Your Vision,
Our Venues
Explore our exclusive collection of top restaurants and bars for all your business events, expertly curated by FX Hug, your trusted event organizer. Secure your booking instantly, and receive a personalized quote within two hours.
Les tables des amateurs de bonne cuisine
Découvrez des adresses où chaque plat raconte une histoire. Des lieux authentiques, parfaits pour savourer une cuisine qui a du goût et du caractère.
Lieux pour des soirées festives et inoubliables
Découvrez nos adresses où l’ambiance est toujours au rendez-vous, pour des moments festifs à partager entre amis jusqu’au bout de la nuit.
Les plus belles adresses pour un cocktail dinatoire
Des espaces où l’art de la dégustation se mêle à la convivialité. Idéal pour savourer des bouchées raffinées et des cocktails dans une ambiance sophistiquée.
Our Expertise
We specialize in transforming your events into extraordinary experiences. We do it all! Whether you're looking for a corporate event organizer or a wedding event planner, we understand your needs and offer tailored solutions that guarantee your satisfaction. Our partnerships with the best restaurants in Paris, including Michelin-star restaurants, allow us to offer a diverse collection of dining experiences, each with unique concepts, cuisines, and settings, along with responsive and personalized service.
Our Services
We offer sales outsourcing, demand management, content creation, and marketing services. With François-Xavier's deep expertise and knowledge of the restaurant industry, he will help you curate effective marketing strategies to attract and retain customers, and develop offers that stand out from the competition. The goal is to support your business growth and ensure the success of your restaurant, providing guidance at every step of the way.
François-Xavier, a seasoned restaurant consultant and event organizer, offers strategic business guidance. His passion for the industry and commitment to empowering restaurateurs make him an invaluable asset in helping them achieve their goals and thrive in a competitive market.
Take your restaurant to the next level. From enhancing your menu and improving customer service to developing an online marketing strategy, we provide comprehensive support that drives growth.
We specialize in optimizing restaurant operations for group events and special occasions such as birthday parties, corporate dinners, and romantic dinners, right in the City of Love—delivering tailored solutions to meet diverse customer needs and preferences, ensuring seamless event planning and remarkable guest experiences.
Create unforgettable moments at the
finest restaurants in Paris with
expert guidance from FX Hug.